Garden lantern adds importance to landscape lighting

Garden lantern adds importance to landscape lighting

Designing garden lighting is as important as interior lighting, in which various light sources are layered to create a balanced atmosphere. For outdoor space, there are many lighting solutions. Here are some suggestions on how to design our outdoor space, using garden lantern lights. 

Small gardens are often lit as extensions of indoor rooms, creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere with garden lantern lights enhancing the space’s features as dusk falls.  

In larger gardens, it's important to strategically decide what to illuminate and what to leave in shadow. Key elements to highlight include pathways, sculptures, water features and trees.  

Don't be afraid of the dark; the contrast between light and shadow brings a magical depth to garden lighting design. A little light can go a long way at night, while garden lantern lights can focus on elements such as evergreens or bare deciduous trees, which can look striking against the darkness in winter. 

Concrete Pagoda - Small Curved Japanese Pagoda Lantern A garden lantern (as in the photograph) is one of the most commonly used items in Japanese pagodas.   

For any garden size, treat the terrace near the house as an outdoor room. Illuminate elements close to the house with garden lantern lights, and consider lighting other focal points like sculptures or a standout tree.  

In larger space, a popular approach is to light the areas near the house while allowing darkness to dominate before another feature is illuminated in the distance. 

Suitable garden lanterns 

Garden lantern lights are ideal for creating inviting atmospheres for outdoor dining. By hanging lanterns over a dining table or placing them around the seating area, we can cast a soft, natural light. Spotlights or floodlights can also be used for lighting plants, placing them on repositionable spikes for flexibility as the garden grows.   

60 gorgeous garden lighting ideas | loveproperty.comBig lanterns can stand near the outdoor tables. 

In terms of materials, lanterns and lighting fixtures that blend into natural surroundings are preferable. Olive green and copper fittings work well, with the latter aging to a neutral green tone.  

Solar-powered options may seem tempting but often don't provide enough illumination for creating effective lighting schemes. Instead, opt for energy-efficient LED lanterns. Applying modern LED technology, we can light an entire garden using minimal energy, ranging from just one to eight watts for substantial effects. 

Garden light for entrance 

Front gardens and entrances also benefit from carefully chosen lighting. Garden lantern lights placed on either side of a door or hung from a porch create a welcoming ambiance. 

Avoid the harsh glare of security lights and instead opt for softer, more inviting lighting choices. Uplighting, when strategically used, adds a subtle glow to the façade of the house or even to planters. 

For gardens featuring water, lighting can be used to play with reflections and create dynamic visual effects. Underlit stepping stones or lanterns placed by the seating area add a lower level of lighting, making the area more intimate.  

Garden lantern lights are especially effective in creating these layered lighting effects, contributing to a tranquil and serene outdoor environment. 

FETCOI Rustic Outdoor Post Lighting Fixtures Exterior Pillar Lanterns Lamp  with Black Metal Base Waterproof Outdoor Decorative Lighting for Lawn,  Courtyard, Terrace, Entrance, Garden, Backyard - 

A simple lantern for entrances is designed in basic shapes. 

A well-designed lighting scheme, especially with the use of garden lantern lights, transforms any garden, small or large, into a charming, welcoming space that can be enjoyed well after sunset. 

Should you have any questions or request a quotation of Rang Dong products, please send us an email to: 

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