LED parking light offers greater benefits
The lighting system in a parking lot must ensure safety for people and vehicles before bringing economic impact. Therefore, selecting lighting for this particular area should be treated with high importance. LED technology with high and uniform brightness helps reduce dark areas and improve visibility, making it safer for everyone and easier to control driving. Lighting on demand and easy to maintain, LED parking light saves energy and cuts operating costs.
The benefits of using LED parking light
Currently, many parking lots still use traditional halogen lights. However, this lighting solution causes problems such as double light quality, high replacement and maintenance costs, high power consumption. These challenges can be easily dealt with by replacing the old-fashioned type with LED parking light.
LED lights last much longer than halogen lights while consume far less energy. Besides, the sales of halogen lights have been banned since September 2021 in the United Kingdom as the country seeks to cut down carbon emission.
The LED parking light is in use at a parking lot.
LED lights can overcome all the disadvantages of traditional lamps. We are going to list some outstanding benefits when using LED parking lights, and wish users, namely parking lot owners, will consider and change their lighting solution.
Save a big expense
LED lights have a long lifespan of up to 50,000 hours or more. Besides, the maintenance cost of LED lights is low because they are not affected by the weather so they rarely fail.
The combination of long life and low maintenance means parking owners will save a lot in energy costs. Besides, the lights are also capable of saving 75-80 percent of electricity consumption compared to traditional lamps. So this cost-cutting significance can be reached after parking owners switch to using LED lights, and it can be reflected right in their monthly electricity bills.
Exceptional light quality
LEDs are known for their excellent light quality. This is possible thanks to the application of the latest LED technology today. With high light quality, LED lights will help users see things more clearly and orientate to the right place to park without causing any unfortunate incidents.
In addition, the high-quality light will also contribute to reducing the risk of robbery and accidents. Using LED parking light will therefore greatly improve safety in parking lots. After all, a well-lit parking lot would often attract more users.
Good light quality increases the safety of the parking lot.
Environmentally friendly
Actions to protect the environment are often highly appreciated by the community. Once a company makes decision to follow this environmentally friendly approach, it always gives good impression to customers.
Using LED lighting is the most environment friendly solution for parking owners as it will help cut down carbon emission, thus contributing to reducing the greenhouse effect.
This is a sample of the LED parking light produced by Rang Dong. The Vietnamese company offers ideal lighting solution that will surely meet the demand of both drivers and parking owners.
Rang Dong, Vietnam's leading manufacturer of LED products and provider of smart lighting solutions, has developed these LED parking lights, making available a sustainable lighting solution for parking lots. Now it is up to parking owners to decide and switch their lighting equipment to the LED lighting product, which will definitely contribute to protecting the living environment.
Should you have any questions, wish to share your ideas of lighting, or request a quotation, please send us an email: to export@rangdong.com.vn.
Our website: en.rangdong.com.vn.