Mosquito racket buying guide for beginners
People living in the rainy, tropical climates have to deal with mosquitoes when it becomes warmer. There are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes such as chemical repellent, mosquito repellent incense, essential oils, mosquito killer lamp and mosquito racket. The fastest and most efficient way is using a mosquito racket. Just one exact swing, we can kill a mosquito easily. There is more to learn from the following mosquito racket buying guide.
Suitable design is key in choosing a perfect mosquito racket
Size and weight
The best mosquito racket should be handy and light weight.
Being handy and light are the key features of a perfect mosquito racket because users need to hold and swing it in the air in the most comfortable way to trap mosquitoes in the mesh. If it is too big and heavy, users won't be able to control it and their hands may get tired before eliminating all the mosquitoes in each room. The ideal weight should be around 300 grams (0.7 lbs).
Mesh’s design
The mesh should be wide to get more space and has three layers to protect users.
The mesh overall size should be wide enough to get more space in a swing. A normal mesh has three layers. The outer two layers are insulating stainless steel to protect users from electric shock while they provide big gaps for mosquitoes to get through to reach the middle layer made of conductive aluminum, where the insects get shocked.
A racket with an output voltage of 2000-3000 kV is perfect to kill mosquitoes or any insects with the size similar to a mosquito in a second.
Handle’s design
The racket handle should be optimally designed so that it’s light in weight and won't slip from our hand.
Consider the mosquito racket's material
Cover’s material
ABS plastic is perfect to make the racket cover.
The best material to make the mosquito racket cover is ABS plastic, which is highly resistant to chemical corrosion and physical impacts. It’s light, durable and insulating. This material also has a reasonable price so it won't raise too much the costs of the racket.
Battery type
Choosing the right type of battery is also an important point in mosquito racket buying guide.
Almost all mosquito rackets in the market nowadays work with rechargeable batteries. There are two common types of battery for mosquito racket, including lead acid battery and lithium battery. Under most conditions, lithium battery’s performance is superior to lead acid batteries. The technology of lithium also has advantages in terms of efficiency and reliability. A mosquito racket with a lithium battery is highly safe for the environment, has a long lifespan and can be charged/discharged many times.
Note of extra function in mosquito racket buying guide
Many manufacturers have added more functions to the mosquito racket to make their products different, such as LED lamp are attached to attract mosquitoes, flash light which can be separated from the racket or the USB charging port instead of the traditional AC type. So it depends on the user's demand to choose the most suitable racket.
Should you have any questions or request a quotation of Rang Dong products, please send us an email to: export@rangdong.com.vn.
Websites: en.rangdong.com.vn and vacuumflask.rangdong.com.vn.