Global lighting trends 2020: "Let's go Green, Smart and Human Centric"
Three lighting trends 2020, namely green lighting, smart lighting, and human-centric lighting have been changing our world incredibly. Lighting is no longer general, as we now witness the miracles of lighting in the new age when people can control lights and live in a sun-like environment.
Green lighting
Green lighting is a sub-concept under the green building concept. It emphasizes energy saving and environmental protection of any lighting, as natural fuel resources have been gradually running out due to overexploitation. In order to save nature and humankind, all-electric devices and equipment shall be designed and produced to consume energy-less, and not to emit toxic substances.
Lamps and luminaires are no exception. Governments have released many policies and programs to encourage energy efficiency in lighting and issued a ban of incandescent lamps which are known to consume the most electricity among light sources.
People now are aware of the importance of saving energy and protecting the environment, therefore, they prefer products with energy-efficiency labels. For this purpose manufacturers around the world have focused on making energy-efficient lights.
Green lighting comes first among the 2020 lighting trends.
Smart lighting
Human beings are in the era of smart technologies. Smart home, smart office, and smart city are the hot words that we see often. Smart lighting is a small part of these concepts. It enables us to control light as desired. It means we can choose a relaxing scene or a festival scene for the light. Control can now go via apps, remote controllers, or voice recognition.
Next in the line of 2020 lighting trends is a smart home with remote control.
Moreover, smart functions can connect users and lighting systems anywhere as long as we have Internet access. Alarm devices built in the lamps can help us detect home intruders, or locate accidents happening around the house. Smart lighting in particular and smart control, in general, have given us amazing and interesting experiences of a modern world.
Smart city is part of the 2020 lighting trends.
Human-centric lighting – the most impressive lighting trends 2020
Since 2017, the Nobel of Medicine and Physics revealed the mechanism of circadian rhythm in modulating bodywork. Accordingly, circadian rhythm responds to darkness and lightness. Living under artificial light, the human natural body gradually loses its natural responses. That is the cause leading to many diseases such as stress, cancer, sleeping disorder, and social interacting reduction.
Human-centric lighting makes the third and the most impressive trend among the 2020 lighting trends.
Hence, simulating indoor lighting like the sunlight cycle to create a natural-like lighting space where people can work and live productively and healthily is the task of lighting manufacturers. Signify, Lutron, Osram, and others have released their solutions called human-centric lighting (HCL) and have since received warm welcomes from all over the world. They have created a sun-like lighting system in an office, in which the light can be changed to increase or decrease the intensity in line with each period of a day. The result is impressive, as people work more productively and their moods are more emotional.
An illustration of daily bodywork as part of human-centric lighting research and practice.