Rang Dong strives for Green - Smart - Human Centric Lighting
Lighting not only serves humans’ visual function but also becomes an element of the living environment, which directly influences human health and well-being. Therefore, the lighting development solution for human health and happiness often referred to as the “human being the center” (Human Centric Lighting or HCL), has been applied by countries around the world.
For tens of thousands of years, humans have evolved from hunting to farming that requires exposure to natural sunlight for 90% of the time of the day.
In the scientific work “The Eye and the Sun”, Russian scientist Sergey Vavilov concluded: “The eye is the product of sunlight – natural light. Humans had evolved to adapt to their changing habitats, especially in terms of the light. In addition, other body parts must also adapt to the rhythms of life by the rotation of the Earth and the Day/Night rhythm, resulting in the formation of Endogenous Clock - the circadian rhythm of human beings.”
The invention of the first light bulb in the 1880s
Ever since scientist Thomas Edison invented the first mass-produced incandescent light bulb (in 1880) to date, mankind has spent a century and a half adapting to artificial light. Rapid changes in industrial production, modernization, and urbanization make people living and working indoors under artificial lighting for 90% of the daytime.
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1880.
Advances in science and technology have made people more visible at night, lighting brighter and energy more efficiently. However, aside from these technical advances, the number of people suffering from eye diseases, stress or fatigue etc. has been gradually rising due to the fact that the difference between artificial lighting and natural light causes the disrupted circadian rhythm, leading to changes in genetics after tens of thousands of years of evolution.
The impact of lights on people’s eyes in the 1880s
The light in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has accelerated the next-generation artificial lighting revolution - the intersection of top achievements in physics and biology, which are high-intensity blue LED light (Nobel Prize for Physics 2014) and the discovery of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (IP RGC), which receives light signals such as spectrum, intensity, length, the beginning and the end of the day then transmits nerve impulses to the central lobe (Nobel Prize in Medicine 2017).
In addition, the outstanding success of Information Technology in the early 21st century has induced the creation of artificial lighting systems that can change the light spectrum, color, and intensity, and replace the point light source with the area light source, which makes us feel like being under the sky. These technological advances help us live and work during a long period inside the buildings integrated with smart lighting systems that can mimic the natural sunlight. The smart human centric lighting system is suitable for the human circadian rhythm, helps us live in a perfect ambiance with proper light for the emotions, feel cool or warm, close or motivated for creativity, etc.
Human-centric lighting technology in Industry 4.0
Rang Dong’s Lighting R&D Center, the company’s technological brain, has the mission to acquire the world's advanced knowledge and conduct thorough researches on the achievements in physics, optics, biology, electronics, and IT for the purpose of mass production and provision of Green – Smart – Human Centric Lighting System and Solution (G - S - HCL).
Should you have any questions, wish to share your ideas of lighting, or request a quotation, please send us an email to export@rangdong.com.vn.
Our website: https://en.rangdong.com.vn/