Automating living space with intelligent scene control panel
Wireless lighting controllers have now become popular in apartment buildings thanks to advantages. An intelligent scene control panel can replace multiple switches as it can connect many devices and be used as a remote control. It offers intelligent control and direct access to scene editing, changing color over time. Taking advantage of this smart scene panel, produced by Vietnam's Rang Dong, is a good way to turn our living space into a smart home with not too much effort.
A compact design of six buttons for ON/OFF turning and light color changing makes it easy for everyone to use. Both the elderly people and children can use the device because the bright and color-changing function buttons are physical, with clear instructions. Users do not need to use smartphones to control the lights. The intelligent scene control panel automatically activates preset light scenes with simple steps.
The intelligent self control panel, model RD-SC.M3 V2 (DC), makes it easy for every family member to use.
Designed to be wall mounted or hand-held like a remote, the control panel can be used anywhere within the living space. Turning on and off the lighting devices and adjusting lighting scenarios can be done at the touch of a button on the control panel. This saves much time for users, instead of having to move around to control the lights.
The light scene control panel can be wall-mounted or hand-held.
Expanding the traditional lighting system without a center controller depends on the wiring network. The homeowner may need to buy a new controller or hire an electrician to install new lights. On the other hand, the wireless lighting control makes it possible to add new lamps without buying a new controller.
Flexible changing of lighting scenes
The product is equipped with Bluetooth Mesh connection, enabling a quick and stable activation of lighting scenarios. The intelligent control panel can not only set up 6 light scenes, but also has DIM/CCT feature to adjust the brightness intensity and change the light color temperature or combine with other Bluetooth connected devices to set up many lighting scenarios such as reading books, sleeping, dining.
Users can alter the light scene to fit each living time of a day.
The intelligent scene control panel is produced by Rang Dong, Vietnam's leading manufacturer of LED products and smart lighting solution provider. A CR2450 Lithium 3.0V battery with a capacity of 600 mAh, which can be easily replaced, gives it a lifespan of up to two years.
A standard dimension of the control panel of 86*86mm makes it easy for installation in the wall.
The six rectangular buttons are designed to let users control the following functions: On, Off, Activating light scenes, Dimming and Adjusting color temperature.
Instructions are clearly printed on the panel surface, each with a light indicator which makes it easy for new users to get used to.
The intelligent scene control panel can be used in bluetooth mesh networks in smart homes.
The control panel can be used in conjunction with the home center controller, bluetooth-connected lights, smart switches and sensors.
Should you have any questions or request a quotation of Rang Dong products, please send us an email to: export@rangdong.com.vn.
Websites: en.rangdong.com.vn and vacuumflask.rangdong.com.vn.