Rang Dong infrared motion sensor for lights with adjustable features

Rang Dong infrared motion sensor for lights with adjustable features

Are you tired of messing around in the dark to turn on the light when you get home or wake up at midnight? From now on, you will no longer be disturbed by that switch because your home will control the light itself, with a little help from Rang Dong’s latest product, the infrared motion sensor for lights.

General specification of Rang Dong motion sensor for lights

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General specification of Rang Dong infrared motion sensor

The photo above shows our latest passive infrared motion sensor, coded CT01.PIR 300W, which detects body heat by looking for changes in temperatures in its field of view. Once mounted on the wall or on the ceiling 2-3.5 meters above the floor, the detecting eye can sense motion, while the sensor’s adjustment angle is quite flexible, max 90° for vertical and max 360° for horizontal dimensions. The sensor body is made of high-quality ABS plastic.

Exceptional features

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Rang Dong infrared motion sensor for lights with adjustable features

The product has three adjustable features to match users’ needs. With the sensor sensitivity, the device doesn’t work when the light is out. Users’ demand for various moments to turn on the light depending on the environment illumination can be fixed by adjusting the light sensor mode: min. 30 lux, average 60 lux and max. (the sensor is inactive). Whenever the light intensity in the field of the sensor’s view falls below this number, the light is automatically switched on.

The second feature is the sensor’s range of detection. If it is mounted on the wall, the range is 3 meters min, 4.5 meters average and 6 meters max, while the respective range for a sensor on the ceiling is 1.5 meters, 2.5 meters and 3.5 meters.

The motion sensor can also help control the duration of lighting since it detects a motion thanks to the stand-by time feature. It ranges from 3 seconds min to 60 seconds average to 90 seconds (1.5 minutes) max.

User’s guidance

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The CT01.PIR 300W infrared motion sensor helps ease the light contro

CT01.PIR 300W infrared motion sensor should be used indoors for areas including front door, garage, stairs, rest room and corridor. It best matches the lights but you can also connect it with other appliances such as burglar alarms or security cameras.

Make sure you leave vacant space in front of the sensor as it doesn’t work once blocked by curtain, wall or glass.

Should you have any questions, wish to share your ideas of lighting or request a quotation, please send us an email to export@rangdong.com.vn.

Our website: https://en.rangdong.com.vn/

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