Human-Centric Lighting in offices protect health, raises work efficiency

Human-Centric Lighting in offices protect health, raises work efficiency

Today, people spend up to 90% of their time indoors during the day. It will increase the risk of circadian disruption as a consequence of improper exposure to artificial lighting. Human-centric lighting is one of the most important topics in the lighting industry. It is fundamental to improve our people’s working lives, well-being such as comfort and ergonomic workstations and build a more valuable business. Read the below article to know how the lighting in offices works in reality.

What is human-centric lighting?

All living beings have a circadian rhythm. The human’s biological clock keeps track of sunrise and sunset, meaning we wake up with the sun and go to sleep when it sets. HCL is a solution that moves the experience of the sun to how the light changes throughout the day. It brings the natural changes of light intensity and color temperature by using artificial light to imitate natural light. HCL puts humans in the center of developing lighting systems.

A day shone by Rang Dong’s lighting solutions

Human-centric lighting is the newest solution that focuses on bringing the dynamics of natural daylight back into human daily life through biologically effective artificial lighting. HCL goes beyond people’s basic visual needs. It helps the human body to stay aligned with natural circadian rhythms that the human being has been conditioned throughout history. HCL provides biologically optimized compositions of light exposure on both the biological and emotional aspects of human physiology.

The right lighting in offices will increase productivity

Human-centric lighting in office

Offices need high intensity, blue-rich light to keep staff more alert, responsive and productive. It improves vitality and concentration but it is also a healthy killer. If the light is extended in the sunset time (night hours), it will prompt the body to reset the biological clock and thus lead to circadian disruption.

The disruption of circadian rhythms can lead to a number of bad consequences such as fatigue and weakened daytime performance.

HCL in office supports human’s circadian rhythm, improves vitality and concentration.

HCL uses tunable white LED lighting technology that employs different types of LEDs package and LED drivers to provide the color temperature and light intensity controls. With the support of the Internet of Things, lighting in offices can boost energy efficiency. The lighting is automatically controlled in correlation to the 24-hour biological cycle. So it brings the mood and scenes with a natural circadian rhythm.

Tunable white LED lighting technology allows manual or automatic adjustment of a luminaire’s shade of white light

Impact on employees’ performance: Lighting in offices with HCL solution can improve performance by increasing alertness, reducing fatigue as well as the errors made at work. Research shows that HCL solution helps increase 19% in work performance, reduces 27% of fatigue and prompts a 37% rise in concentration, while enhancing 23% of alertness and ensuring higher employee satisfaction.

Impact on employees’ feelings: Lighting in offices with HCL stimulates the natural circadian rhythm, increases their well-being so that they feel healthier, happier, and more energetic. When employees prepare to wind up their day in the evening sets, the lights can be lowered in intensity and set to a warmer tone to calm and relax. For employees working at night, ensure that the lighting remains warm since the computer screen already has a lot of blue light, which can disrupt the employees’ sleep schedule.

Lighting for healthier, more productive workplaces

Energy use and saving: HCL in offices provides more energy efficiency by using the lighting integrated with lighting or motion sensors. The lighting with a motion sensor turns on when a person enters a room and turns off shortly after they leave. The lighting-detector-based sensor lights are controlled by natural light. The light changes by the intensity of the natural light. Utilizing the newest lighting solution can offer significant savings.

Rang Dong has experience in office lighting with HCL solutions at many projects.

Should you have any questions, wish to share your ideas of lighting or request a quotation, please send us an email to

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